Hi Andy,

In our present production environment we perform daily full backups with 
multiple incremental's during the day and would expect do similar with a Jena 
based system.

We are accustomed to running the primary db without restarts or space 
consumption except for adding of new content for many months at a time. 

The backups are compressed master files of each resource which are replicated 
to various sites for archiving.

We have steady low levels of create activity and somewhat less update activity. 
Loading our test platforms takes on the order of a couple of hours from scratch 
which is similar to what we see with the XML db so that is a concern only if we 
are having to do such reloads owing to space loss as a consequence of “normal” 

My questions are trying to get a sense of how we should expect to use 
Jena/TDB/Fuseki. I was thinking to replace the current native XML db with Jena 
and we have explored some aspects but not nearly enough to understand the best 
practices with Jena.

After reading the comment from Rob regarding the no GC I had thought of a 
compaction tool and was going to inquire about such before I saw your reply. 
Now I want to ask about the status of TDB2. I see that it is at 0.3.0-SNAPSHOT 
aligned with Jena 3.4.0 and am wanting to know about its status as far as 
possible inclusion into Jena.

I was also not clear on the answer to my question regarding whether deleting a 
named graph reclaims any space in the TDB1 node table - I think you’re saying 
it does not. If so that seems to say that with TDB1 the best practice is to 
view Jean/TDB as a create and read system. With TDB2, online compaction permits 
CRUD operation so long as the rate of UD is not too high.

Are reads locked out during online compaction in TDB2?


> On Aug 22, 2017, at 7:44 AM, Andy Seaborne <a...@apache.org> wrote:
> There are several different things going on causing the DB to grow: Rob has 
> mentioned all of them:
> 1/ No GC of the node table.
> 2/ Partial reuse of space in indexes [*].
> 3/ Bulk loaded database are tight-packed and update fragment after that when 
> updated.
> [*] Free'd block in index are reused with transactions only.  One HTTP 
> request is one transaction so PUT will reuse the space, delete then add will 
> not.
> Blank nodes, or any other kind of RDF term, in the node table are not garbage 
> collected away.
> In TDB2 there is support for live compaction of a database.  (I got the 
> machinery working last weekend :-)  c.f. VACUUM in PostgreSQL or OPTIMIZE 
> TABLE in MySQL - both reclaim space.  TDB2 is more like a live copy of the 
> current state, not an in place chnage at the moment. It is more import to 
> compact in TDB2 than TDB1 because, for robustness and performance reasons, 
> the index are copy-on-first-write in a transaction.  [Odd side effect - the 
> state of the database at any point in time is still there in the files, until 
> you compact it.]
> TDB1 (the version in Jena) equivalent is backup-restore.
> But everyone backups anyway don't they? :-)
> For any database, triplestore or SQL or anything, do not put the primary copy 
> of your data in the database unless you have an active support contract, and 
> then backup anyway (and test the backup).
> On 22/08/17 03:22, Chris Tomlinson wrote:
>> Hi,
>> This is interesting to know about blank nodes and reference counting. Does 
>> the comment regarding deleting triples not recovering blank nodes apply if 
>> an entire named graph which includes some blank nodes is deleted?
>> If so it seems that in production Jena/TDB is expected to be periodically 
>> reloaded from scratch or to not use blank nodes very much.
> Not delete them in bulk.
>> In this case is Jena/TDB more aimed at use cases where it perhaps functions 
>> like an index cache rather than a primary database. Is this accurate? If so 
>> what sort of primary database systems are typically found coupled with 
>> Jena/TDB?
> It is not aimed at OLTP-style applications where change is as common as 
> update.
>    Andy
>> Regards,
>> Chris
>>> On Aug 21, 2017, at 05:28, Rob Vesse <rve...@dotnetrdf.org> wrote:
>>> All the data structures used in TDB are broadly speaking append only. This 
>>> means that the database Will tend to grow in size overtime.
>>> Certain ways of using the database can exacerbate this. In your example I 
>>> would guess that you have a lot of blank nodes present in the data?
>>> Each unique blank node generates a unique identifier inside the system and 
>>> will continually expand the node table. TDB does not implement reference 
>>> counting so even if you delete every triple that references a given RDF 
>>> node it will never be removed from the node table.
>>> Similarly as the indexes are updated they do not reclaim space so the 
>>> B+Tree’s will continue to grow over time.
>>> Reloading from scratch creates a smaller database because it is able to 
>>> maximally pack the data into the Data structures on disk and you do not 
>>> have any unused identifiers allocated.
>>> Rob
>>> On 21/08/2017 11:20, "Lorenzo Manzoni" <lmanz...@imolinfo.it> wrote:
>>>    Hi,
>>>        I'm writing you because we have a behavior of fuseki TDB  we can not
>>>    understand:
>>>    */the fuseki database filesystem size continues to grow even if the
>>>    number of triples does not increase substantially./*
>>>    We are using the latest version of fuseki (3.4.0) as triple store of a
>>>    semantic media wiki (mw 1.24, smw 2.1.1) and all the night we have a
>>>    scheduled job that updates the wiki pages and executes maintenance
>>>    scripts(e.g.
>>> https://www.semantic-mediawiki.org/wiki/Help:Maintenance_script_%22rebuildData.php%22)
>>>    . These scripts update the semantic data on the wiki and the triples on
>>>    fuseki. Basically every triple are rewritten.
>>>    We have observed that the fuseki database filesystem size grew over time
>>>    to 20Gb but when we recreate it from scratch the database size is only
>>>    500 Mb.
>>>    After that every day  fuseki database grows about 200Mb and the number
>>>    of triples does not change substantially
>>>    I originally assumed that the rebuild data script was the problem but
>>>    when I executed it alone the fuseki database space did not increase.
>>>    We are running fueski on a 64 bit redhat machine.
>>>    Someone can  help us?
>>>    Thanks in advance,
>>>    Lorenzo

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