Run a script to convert them to N-Triples and then another to concatenate
the files?

On Sat, Oct 7, 2017 at 4:17 PM, Andrew U. Frank <>

> i have to load the Gutenberg projects catalog in rdf/xml format. this is a
> collection of about 50,000 files, each containing a single record as
> attached.
> if i try to concatenate these files into a single one the result is not
> legal rdf/xml - there are xml doc headers:
> <rdf:RDF xml:base="";>
> and similar, which can only occur once per file.
> i found a way to load each file individually with s-put and a loop, but
> this runs extremely slowly - it is alrady running for more than 10 hours;
> each file takes half a second to load (fuseki running as localhost).
> i am sure there is a better way?
> thank you for the help!
> andrew
> --
> em.o.Univ.Prof. Dr. sc.techn. Dr. h.c. Andrew U. Frank
>                                  +43 1 58801 12710 direct
> Geoinformation, TU Wien          +43 1 58801 12700 office
> Gusshausstr. 27-29               +43 1 55801 12799 fax
> 1040 Wien Austria                +43 676 419 25 72 mobil

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