
I am running a Fuseki.war 3.4.0 in a Tomcat. With the previous version, 2.6.0, 
I can do backup from Fuseki web console but after upgrading backup doen't work. 
I don't get any error, the application reponses as if everything was fine: 
"Task backup started at 2017-10-13T12:15:17.431+02:00, finished at 

In log file, I can see:

[2017-10-13 12:15:17] Admin      INFO  [3] POST 
[2017-10-13 12:15:17] Admin      INFO  [3] Backup dataset /ontofarma
[2017-10-13 12:15:17] Server     INFO  Task : 1 : backup
[2017-10-13 12:15:17] Server     INFO  [Task 1] starts : backup
[2017-10-13 12:15:17] Admin      INFO  [3] 200 OK (4 ms)
[2017-10-13 12:15:17] Server     INFO  [Task 1] finishes : backup
[2017-10-13 12:15:17] Server     INFO  [4] GET 
[2017-10-13 12:15:17] Server     INFO  [4] Task 1
[2017-10-13 12:15:17] Server     INFO  [4] 200 OK (0 ms)

But, the backup folder is empty.

Thank you,
David Molina

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