I want to rewrite Digraphs with Text[1] to use an external Datalog server,
rather than the native Haskell module for graphs that it currently uses.
Jena looks like the best open-source choice. I can run ./fuseki, visit
http://localhost:3030, upload data and manually query it. I want to do
those things over HTTP.

I have found a number of sources that describe Jena's RDF and Sparql APIs,
but nothing describing its web API. My rudimentary understanding of web
services is that there's some URL of the form "http://localhost:3030//
dataset/query?magic", where an appropriate value for "magic" would produce
the results of a query. Is that correct?

How does one translate data entry (or removal) commands from Jena's RDF API
to Jena's Web RDF API? How does one translate queries from Jena's Sparql
API to Jena's Web Sparql API?

Last, the Jena documentation says that it contains two inference engines.
Is Datalog one of them and Sparql the other? I'm finding a lot of Jena
Sparql documentation, but no Jena Datalog documentation.

Many thanks.

[1] Digraphs with Text
<https://github.com/JeffreyBenjaminBrown/digraphs-with-text> is a simple
app that provides a generalization of the graph (relationships of arbitrary
arity, arbitrarily nested) and a language for input and queries that is
friendly to non-programmers.

Jeff Brown | Jeffrey Benjamin Brown
Website <https://msu.edu/~brown202/>   |   Facebook
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