David raised JENA-1410.

On 27/10/17 10:58, Andy Seaborne wrote:
Confirm - that's what happens.

Could you raise a JIRA please?

The code in ActionDatasets.execDeleteItem appears to have delete database and configuration ... it just doesn't seem to do it.

The code needs to be sensitive to whether the database is inside the runtiem area of elsewhere.

If the DB is in the server configuration file, then it can't remove the configuration.


On 26/10/17 14:23, DAVID MOLINA ESTRADA wrote:

When a persistent dataset is deleted from Fuseki WEB GUI, the dataset folder in fuseki's databases folder and the dataset config ttl file in fuseki's configuration folder remain.

I am running a Fuseki.war 3.4.0 in a Tomcat. Then, when i restart the Tomcat server, the deleted dataset reappears.

Thank you,
David Molina
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