OK - I see what you are doing now.

The warning is harmless and I'll remove it.

(BTW --tdb and --desc are synomyms. You only need one - the last one is the value actually used.)


On 25/11/17 22:17, Andy Seaborne wrote:

On 25/11/17 21:53, Laura Morales wrote:
Please could you try a development version? (which works for me).

With the new snapshot most problems seems to be fixed. However I still get "WARN  ModTDBDataset        :: Unexpected: Not a TDB2 dataset for type DatasetTDB2" which I don't understand if it's OK or an error or a bug.

Are you sure you are running the latest? (tdb2.tdbloader is in "apache-jena" zip file)

It works for me.

  tdb2.tdbloader --version
Jena:       VERSION: 3.6.0-SNAPSHOT


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