Hi Andreas,

Jena does not currently have any alternative built reasoner for RDFS + owl:sameAs and I'm not aware of any such "equality reasoner" being in development. You could try Pellet, which may offer better performance.

In fact equality reasoning is notoriously expensive in the general case, the logic is indeed simple but the cost can blow up easily because it leads to a combinatorial number of deductions.

Depending on what problem you are trying to solve your best bet may be to avoid using owl:sameAs reasoning at run time altogether. For example, in some cases it may be possible to do a pass over the data at ingest time to identify all aliases and to only assert in the model some "cannonical" URI for each alias equivalence set.


On 20/02/18 07:17, Andreas Kahl wrote:
Hello everyone,

I am currently developing a little Jena Model that should be able to do
RDFS inferencing plus owl:sameAs. From the documentation I learned that
the minimal Reasoner for that is OWLmini. During development I
experienced some severe performance bottlenecks if a runtime model
contains too many owl:sameAs links and generally for nearly all models
exceeding 1000 Statements. Most of the tests simply freeze at some point
if those performance bottlenecks occur, sometimes selecting a Statement
with a SimpleSelector consisting of a subject URI, a predicate URI and a
null Object takes 20secs.
There should be not problems with blocking of threads as I run my
integration tests single threaded - especially if I am experiencing

I could confine this by using models without inferencing while
collecting and adding data spidered from the web, and especially adding
Ontologies last, only where absolutely needed. Also I use a whitelist
internally for domains my spider is allowed to fetch data from;
therefore I remove all owl:sameAs Statements containing object URIs not
in this whitelist. In the end, in my querying methods, I clone that
basic model with the collected data and add it to an InfModel:

protected static Model getInfModelFrom(Model model) {
             final long size = model.size();
             LOG.debug("getInfModelFrom: Input size: " +
             final Model copy = ModelFactory.createDefaultModel();
             copy.add(model instanceof InfModel ? ((InfModel)
model).getRawModel() : model);
             final InfModel infModel =
             return infModel;

The only Ontology I am using is
http://d-nb.info/standards/elementset/gnd# .

I suppose that the Reasoner I use is much to mighty for the seemingly
simple owl:sameAs. Is there any more basic option understanding
owl:sameAs besides RDFS? All other OWL Axioms are not needed.
Are there any best practices dealing with Inferencing for relatively
small in memory models <10,000 Statements (most <5,000 Statements)? I
found some information on the web that a simple 'Equality Reasoner' is
in the works. Would that be a good choice? Will it be available any time

Thanks for any hints

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