Hi Andy,

It does seem weird. Just for completeness, I changed my first example to:

    Model model = dataset.getDefaultModel();
    model.add(new StatementImpl(

but (on Windows 10, at least) I still get the error.


On 5 March 2018 at 16:31, Andy Seaborne <a...@apache.org> wrote:

> On 02/03/18 18:02, Chris Wood wrote:
>> Hi Andy,
>> I've answered one question, but got another...
>> Your comment "What is more, I can't line the stacktrace line numbers up
>> with the code.  Jena 3.0.1 lines up better" made me sheepishly realise
>> that
>> my tdbquery path was pointing to an old version of Jena I had locally
>> (although this was actually v3.3.0). I changed tdbquery to use v3.6.0 and
>> it worked! But, it struck me that I'd worked on some other code recently
>> where I'd compiled with 3.6.0 but tested with tdbquery 3.3.0 and hadn't
>> seen errors - so I did some basic tests.
> Even with a mix of versions, I could not reproduce the NPE.  The DB format
> has not changed and ont at RDF 1.1 / Jena 3.0 was a reload needed.
> I've found that reading in a URL directly into a model doesn't result in
>> this error; i.e. using my previous workflow but using this version of
>> jena_test.java
>> import org.apache.jena.query.Dataset;
>> import org.apache.jena.query.ReadWrite;
>> import org.apache.jena.rdf.model.Model;
>> import org.apache.jena.rdf.model.ModelFactory;
>> import org.apache.jena.tdb.TDBFactory;
>> public class jena_test {
>> public static void main(String args[])
>> {
>> Dataset dataset = TDBFactory.createDataset("my_dataset");
>> Model model = dataset.getDefaultModel();
>> dataset.begin(ReadWrite.WRITE);
>> try{
>> model.add(ModelFactory.createDefaultModel().read("
>> https://www.w3.org/TR/REC-rdf-syntax/example14.nt";, "N-TRIPLE"));
>> dataset.commit();
>> } finally {
>> dataset.close();
>> }
>> }
>> }
> In your first example theer are
>  ModelFactory.createDefaultModel().createResource("person:1")
>  ModelFactory.createDefaultModel().createResource("Chris")
> which are dubious URIs (the first is the "person:" URI schema, not a
> namespace of person, the second is a relative URI).
> https://www.w3.org/TR/REC-rdf-syntax/example14.nt
> is all good URIs.
>     Andy
>> with the same pom version but tdbquery v3.3.0
>> C:\Users\chris\jena_test>tdbquery --version
>> Jena:       VERSION: 3.3.0
>> Jena:       BUILD_DATE: 2017-05-02T17:38:25+0000
>> ARQ:        VERSION: 3.3.0
>> ARQ:        BUILD_DATE: 2017-05-02T17:38:25+0000
>> RIOT:       VERSION: 3.3.0
>> RIOT:       BUILD_DATE: 2017-05-02T17:38:25+0000
>> TDB:        VERSION: 3.3.0
>> TDB:        BUILD_DATE: 2017-05-02T17:38:25+0000
>> results in
>> C:\Users\chris\jena_test >tdbquery --loc="my_dataset" "SELECT (count(*) as
>> ?t) where {?a ?b ?c . }"
>> -----
>> | t |
>> =====
>> | 2 |
>> -----
>> As expected.
>> I recognise that using different versions of jena for compiling and for
>> tdbquery is almost certainly not supported (even if not implicitly), but
>> perhaps raising awareness from the troubles I've had this week might help
>> someone else!
>> Cheers
>> Chris
>> On 2 March 2018 at 13:38, Andy Seaborne <a...@apache.org> wrote:
>> Hi Chris,
>>> I am on Linux, with Apache Maven 3.5.2, java openjdk version "1.8.0_151".
>>> It works for me.
>>> What is more, I can't line the stacktrace line numbers up with the code.
>>> Jena 3.0.1 lines up better on
>>> JournalControl.recoverSegment(JournalControl.java:185)
>>> because that is a call to "replay"
>>> I ran the maven compiled version with
>>>   java -cp target/classes:target/tdb_generator_resources/\* jena_test
>>> and then
>>> java -cp /home/afs/jlib/apache-jena-3.6.0/lib/\* tdb.tdbquery
>>> --loc=my_dataset 'SELECT (count(*) as ?t) where {?a ?b ?c . }'
>>> "tdbquery --version" ==>
>>> Jena:       VERSION: 3.7.0-SNAPSHOT
>>> Jena:       BUILD_DATE: 2018-02-27T22:54:52+0000
>>> ARQ:        VERSION: 3.7.0-SNAPSHOT
>>> ARQ:        BUILD_DATE: 2018-02-27T22:54:52+0000
>>> RIOT:       VERSION: 3.7.0-SNAPSHOT
>>> RIOT:       BUILD_DATE: 2018-02-27T22:54:52+0000
>>> TDB:        VERSION: ${project.version}
>>> TDB:        BUILD_DATE: ${build.time.xsd}
>>> (the TDB bit is old junk in 3.6.0 - ignore it)
>>> On 01/03/18 18:05, Chris Wood wrote:
>>> java -jar .\target\jena_test.jar
>>> The shade plugin wasn't configured to run, nor was it set to call the
>>> right main class.
>>> When I change the configuration, I also ran:
>>> java -jar target/jena_test.jar
>>> In all cases I got:
>>> -----
>>> | t |
>>> =====
>>> | 1 |
>>> -----
>>> So it's still a mystery to me, I'm afraid.
>>>          Andy
>>>    <plugin>
>>>      <groupId>org.apache.maven.plugins</groupId>
>>>      <artifactId>maven-shade-plugin</artifactId>
>>>      <version>3.1.0</version>
>>>      <executions>
>>>        <execution>
>>>          <phase>package</phase>
>>>          <goals>
>>>            <goal>shade</goal>
>>>          </goals>
>>>        </execution>
>>>      </executions>
>>>      <configuration>
>>>        <shadedArtifactAttached>false</shadedArtifactAttached>
>>>        <transformers>
>>>          <mainClass>jena_test</mainClass>
>>>          ....

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