You can take a look here, these projects use Jena extensively:

On Sun, Mar 18, 2018 at 4:19 AM, David Moss <> wrote:

> Nearly all the example code on the web for Jena is restatement of Javadoc.
> This is better than nothing, but what seems to be missing is examples of
> how Jena is used in real-world applications.
> I believe publishing practical examples would dramatically increase the
> use of Jena and semantic processing in general.
> Without a pool of practical examples people using Jena are working in
> isolation.
> There are so many ways of achieving results, but which are the ways people
> are actually using in real applications?
> For example, when using data from a SPARQL endpoint, what is the accepted
> way to retrieve it, store it locally and make it available through user
> interface controls?
> As far as I can tell there are no examples of how to do this anywhere.
> ie How would you go about populating a dropdown list in a UI with data
> from a SPARQL endpoint?
> Am I missing something (I hope so!)
> If not, does anyone want to contribute some examples of using Jena in
> real-world applications?
> If it turns out there are no such examples out there and no-one wants to
> contribute examples, I will write some myself. But they will be awful!
> I’d much rather people with experience provided this much needed
> information. I’m happy to collate and publish.
> DM

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