Hi, I'm geting this Java error with following query (prefixes omitted) with Jena Fuseki 3.6.0 .

Query works if every ?property_type is collected instead of sampling. It also works if ?label is not collected (?property_type is sampled).

SELECT DISTINCT ?p ?label ?range
(SAMPLE(?property_type_g) as ?property_type)
(GROUP_CONCAT(DISTINCT ?comment_g; separator=" ") as ?comment)
        GRAPH <http://resource.lingsoft.fi/rdf/schema_meta>
                VALUES ?domain_property { rdfs:domain schema:domainIncludes }
        VALUES ?general_domain { rdfs:Resource owl:Thing schema:Thing }
                VALUES ?property_type_g { rdf:Property owl:DatatypeProperty 
owl:ObjectProperty owl:AnnotationProperty}
                <http://www.w3.org/ns/org#Organization> rdfs:subClassOf* 
?top_class .
                # properties having the class as domain - directly or through 
super property
                { ?p ?domain_property ?top_class } UNION { ?p 
rdfs:subPropertyOf* ?p2 . ?p2 ?domain_property ?top_class }
                # properties with general domain - directly or through super 
                UNION { ?p ?domain_property ?general_domain }# UNION { ?p 
rdfs:subPropertyOf* ?p2 . ?p2 ?domain_property ?general_domain } }
                # properties without domain - directly or through super property
                UNION { ?p a ?property_type_g FILTER ( NOT EXISTS { ?p rdfs:domain ?d } && NOT 
EXISTS { ?p schema:domainIncludes ?d } && NOT EXISTS { ?p rdfs:subPropertyOf ?p2 . ?p2 
rdfs:domain ?d FILTER (?d != rdfs:Resource && ?d != owl:Thing) } ) }
                OPTIONAL { ?p rdfs:subPropertyOf* ?p2 . { ?p2 
schema:rangeIncludes ?range } UNION { ?p2 rdfs:range ?range } }
                OPTIONAL { ?p rdfs:label ?label FILTER(LANGMATCHES(LANG(?label), 
"fi")) }
                OPTIONAL { ?p rdfs:label ?label FILTER(LANG(?label) = "") }
                OPTIONAL { ?p rdfs:label ?label }
                OPTIONAL { ?p rdfs:comment ?comment_g 
FILTER(LANGMATCHES(LANG(?comment_g), "fi")) }
                OPTIONAL { ?p rdfs:comment ?comment_g FILTER(LANG(?comment_g) = 
"") }
                OPTIONAL { ?p rdfs:comment ?comment_g }
                OPTIONAL { ?p skos:definition ?comment_g 
FILTER(LANGMATCHES(LANG(?comment_g), "fi")) }
                OPTIONAL { ?p skos:definition ?comment_g FILTER(LANG(?comment_g) = 
"") }
                OPTIONAL { ?p skos:definition ?comment_g }
                # filter out deprecated definitions
                FILTER ( NOT EXISTS { ?p schema:supersededBy ?sp } && NOT EXISTS { ?p 
<http://www.w3.org/2003/06/sw-vocab-status/ns#term_status> "archaic" } && NOT EXISTS { ?p 
owl:deprecated "true"^^xsd:boolean } )
GROUP BY ?p ?label ?range
ORDER BY ASC(?label)

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