I began to try using what I sketched in the preceding post:

But it does not work: that is, a spatial query returns nothing.
To create the spatial index by program jena.spatialindexer , it is
necessary to have an assembler file. I created one, following closely the
model in the documentation:
Then a spatial query works.

But of course, no textual query works.
So I'll try to create an assembler file by mixing the examples for spatial
above and textual from the doc. here:

*Question*: does that make sense to have a unique Lucene index for text and
space ?
It is possible at all? If yes, is it good in terms of disk space and
Like this:
<#indexLucene> a text:TextIndexLucene ;
               a spatial:SpatialIndexLucene ;
               # etc ...

Le jeu. 13 déc. 2018 à 11:08, Jean-Marc Vanel <jeanmarc.va...@gmail.com> a
écrit :

> Hi all
> After looking the documentation,
> https://jena.apache.org/documentation/query/spatial-query.html#building-a-spatial-index
> it is not clear which is the best way to build by program a Dataset that
> is both textual and spatial.
> Both functions take an argument of type Dataset and return an "augmented"
> Dataset:
> TextDatasetFactory.create()
> SpatialDatasetFactory.createLucene()
> So, in theory, I can create first the textual Dataset, and then from that
> the spatial Dataset, or the reverse.
> Is that the way to go?
> Or is there a way to create in one step a combined Dataset ?
> Is there a recommended order of creating the "augmented" Datasets,
> depending on data and usage ?
> Is there some loss of efficiency compared to using textual or spatial
> alone ?
> Happy Jenaing from Jean (Marc) !
> --
> Jean-Marc Vanel
> http://www.semantic-forms.cc:9111/display?displayuri=http://jmvanel.free.fr/jmv.rdf%23me#subject
> <http://www.semantic-forms.cc:9111/display?displayuri=http://jmvanel.free.fr/jmv.rdf%23me>
> Rule-based programming, Semantic Web
> +33 (0)6 89 16 29 52
> Twitter: @jmvanel , @jmvanel_fr ; chat: irc://irc.freenode.net#eulergui
>  Chroniques jardin
> <http://semantic-forms.cc:1952/backlinks?q=http%3A%2F%2Fdbpedia.org%2Fresource%2FChronicle>

Jean-Marc Vanel
Rule-based programming, Semantic Web
+33 (0)6 89 16 29 52
Twitter: @jmvanel , @jmvanel_fr ; chat: irc://irc.freenode.net#eulergui
 Chroniques jardin

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