On 23/05/2019 09:05, 刑天 wrote:
I'm using RDFConnectionRemote via Spring as a singleton component, I'm 
designing a http proxy which redirect query through http header. So I want to 
dynamically set http headers for every query I issued. How can I do that?

Hi there,

RDFConnectionRemote is built around a HttpClient from Apache HttpClient. HttpClient objects are built with a fixed configuration.

Like wise the configuration for RDFConnectionRemote is set when built and remains fixed for the lifetime of the connection.

You can
(1) build a RDFConnectionRemote for different settings (they are not expensive to build).

(2) use the lower level code such as QueryExecutionFactory.sparqlService and UpdateExecutionFactory.createRemote

Or use the implement code like QueryEngineHTTP.setClient but that is digging into the implementation.


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