On 03/01/2020 15:20, Amandeep Srivastava wrote:
Hi Laura, thanks for the response.

I'm not using earlier version of Jena for my project, am just trying to
compare performance of fuseki 1 and fuseki 2 across multiple hosts.

On Fri, 3 Jan, 2020, 1:34 PM Laura Morales, <laure...@mail.com> wrote:

I was able to find the Shiro.ini in fuseki2 code, but not in fuseki1. Can
you please point me to its location in earlier version?

The current release of Fuseki is 3.13; I doubt Fuseki 1 is still supported
and maybe it didn't even have Shiro at all. If you start the server without
a shiro.ini file, and if it does use Shiro, it should create a default file
automatically (that you can edit later). But seriously, upgrade.

Fuseki 1 (Fuskei1, Fuseki 2 refers to their internal architecture, not version number) was last released at Jena 3.9.0 (see http://central.maven.org/maven2/org/apache/jena/jena-fuseki1/)

There are no plans for any more releases of Fuseki 1.

Fuseki 2 - which is the "jena-fuseki" modules
is the current triple store engine.

Currently version 3.13.1 and is updated when there is a jena release.

Fuseki1 is out of date, not completely SPARQL compliant nor properly transactional on updates and queries.

It never had any security or shiro.


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