Indeed I made a confusion between the actual literal content (unrestricted)
and the Turtle representation of it.

Jean-Marc Vanel
(0)6 89 16 29 52

Le jeu. 18 juin 2020 à 13:36, Andy Seaborne <> a écrit :

> On 18/06/2020 09:28, Jean-Marc Vanel wrote:
> > Literals can have annoying errors like "Illegal escape sequence value" .
> > These errors create exceptions by Turtle parser.
> > But the API does not check anything:
> > NodeFactory.createLiteral("ggg\\<br")
> "\\" is single \ in scala/java.
> That is illegal in Turtle syntax, not an illegal literal.
> \< is not a Turtle escape.
> [172s]  PN_LOCAL_ESC    ::=
> '\' ('_' | '~' | '.' | '-' | '!' | '$' | '&' | "'" | '(' | ')' | '*' |
> '+' | ',' | ';' | '=' | '/' | '?' | '#' | '@' | '%')
> But '\<' is a legal string in RDF - it is not an escape, RDF does not
> have escapes - syntaxes do.
>      Andy
> >
> > Event the org.apache.jena.riot.checker.CheckerLiterals is silent:
> >
> > val handler =
> > org.apache.jena.riot.system.ErrorHandlerFactory.errorHandlerStrict
> > val checker = new org.apache.jena.riot.checker.CheckerLiterals(handler)
> > val obj = "ggg\\<br"
> > import org.apache.jena.graph._
> > val lit = NodeFactory.createLiteral(obj)
> > checker.check(lit, 1L, 1L)
> > res28: Boolean = true
> >
> > So, is there a way to check a plain literal by API, other than creating a
> > fake triple and parse it ?
> >
> > Note: the code samples are in Scala command line (REPL), but I think it's
> > easy to understand for Javaists ...
> >
> > Jean-Marc Vanel
> > <
> >
> > +33 (0)6 89 16 29 52
> > Twitter: @jmvanel , @jmvanel_fr ; chat: irc://
> >   Chroniques jardin
> > <
> >
> >

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