Hi Andy,

Sorry, I put the version at the bottom. It’s 3.15, also 3.14.


> On Jun 25, 2020, at 2:31 AM, Andy Seaborne <a...@apache.org> wrote:
> Jena version?
> On 25/06/2020 02:59, Chris Tomlinson wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I've got a problem with OntDocumentManager when fetching resources from an 
>> element of the classpath via relative urls like   <altURL 
>> rdf:resource="adm/admin.ttl"/> .
>> When I use:
>>     OntDocumentManager odm = new OntDocumentManager("A/B/C/ont-policy.rdf")
>> or
>>     OntDocumentManager odm = new 
>> OntDocumentManager("https://xxxxx/a/b/c/ont-policy.rdf";)
>> all works as expected. The relative urls are retrieved using the path to the 
>> ont-policy.rdf either file or url. Part of making this work is
>>     xmlns:base =""
>> in the policy file.
>> However, trying
>>     OntDocumentManager odm = new OntDocumentManager("plop/ont-policy.rdf")
>> finds the policy resource via the LocatorClassLoader - seen with TRACE 
>> enabled - as expected; but then all the relative urls are prepended with the 
>> path to the app.jar:
>>     java -jar /path/to/where/to/find/app.jar
>> I figure I'm missing some config or a uri scheme or something like that. I'm 
>> currently using 3.15.
>> Thank you for your help,
>> Chris

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