On 21/07/2020 10:07, Holger Knublauch wrote:

On 21/07/2020 18:29, Andy Seaborne wrote:
The grammar does not have words

'order', 'group', 'description', 'name', 'defaultValue'

in the propertyParam or nodeParam rules

So you can't concat the sh namespace with the token string.

Thanks. I have mixed this up and thought I had generalized that rule. Should have checked :)

Another missing term is sh:defaultValue. So how do people feel about adding that line to the grammar? Sounds like an easy fix.

Further we could theoretically add sh:name and (less attractive) sh:description.

And shall we add subClassOf?

The form

>> shapeClass ex:Company rdfs:subClassOf ex:Organization {

does not cover cases I am coming across.

My ideal is all description in one file. Modularising using IMPORT for this is not nice. The domain is SHACLC shapes but also RDFS sub*of.

That means a general RDFS subClassOf declaration, not specific to implicitClass shapes. They (implicitClass shapes) are a pattern in SHACL, not fundamental to SHACL.

The class may not be a shape and it would apply for "class=" and throughout.

Having subClassOf and subPropertyOf in the same file as SHACLC makes for as single place for a "schema".

CLASS ex:Company .
CLASS ex:Company subClassOf ex:Organization .

(the DOTS are unnecessary - like PREFIX).

The shapeClass-subClassOf might be useful as a short cut.



propertyParam       :

'deactivated' | 'severity' | 'message' |
'class' | 'datatype' | 'nodeKind' |
'minExclusive' | 'minInclusive' | 'maxExclusive' | 'maxInclusive' |
'minLength' | 'maxLength' | 'pattern' | 'flags' | 'languageIn' | 'uniqueLang' |
'equals' | 'disjoint' | 'lessThan' | 'lessThanOrEquals' |
'qualifiedValueShape' | 'qualifiedMinCount' | 'qualifiedMaxCount' | 'qualifiedValueShapesDisjoint' |
'closed' | 'ignoredProperties' | 'hasValue' | 'in' ;


On 20/07/2020 23:34, Holger Knublauch wrote:
Hi Andy,

not quite sure what you mean: is the spec unclear, or does it have an error? If yes, what would be better wording?


On 20/07/2020 19:03, Andy Seaborne wrote:

On 19/07/2020 23:21, Holger Knublauch wrote:
On 19/07/2020 19:53, Andy Seaborne wrote:

Hi Chris,

Oddly, sh:group/sh:order aren't in SHACLC - they look like they got overlooked as they fit is quite naturally into the grammar. Maybe the WG focus was validation and these aren't "validation".

All terms from the sh: namespace are supported at property shapes and node shapes, see


"concatenating the sh namespace with the string value of /propertyParam/"

("string value" taken to mean the string that is the token)

Today, 2020-07-20, the words aren't in the propertyParam grammar rule.


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