On 16/10/2020 10:54, Rob Vesse wrote:
As with most Apache projects we are entirely volunteer based.  As a project we 
do not have any formal support/EOL policy.

In practise our advice to users is always to use the latest versions released 
by the project.  At the time of writing this is 3.16.0.  Any bug fixes and 
changes we make will only go to the latest version as we do not have sufficient 
volunteers to maintain multiple versions.

We typically aim for a release cadence of once a quarter although again this is 
driven by the availability of our volunteers and the severity of any bugs that 
may be reported.

Support is again primarily provided by volunteers via the mailing list and the 
Apache JIRA issue tracker.  There are private companies that may offer 
support/contracting services around Apache Jena, and others on list may be able 
to provide you pointers to those.

Hope that helps,


Just to add to what Rob said -- the artifacts (source and binaries) will not go away and remain available from Apache itself [a] and maven central [b].


[a] http://archive.apache.org/dist/jena/
[b] https://repo1.maven.org/maven2/org/apache/jena/

On 16/10/2020, 01:54, "ken.yamashita...@nttdata.com" 
<ken.yamashita...@nttdata.com> wrote:

     Hi, my name is ken.

     We are using the Apache Jena Ver.3.13.1 ,3.4.0 and Apache jena Fuseki 
     So iwant to know the End Of Life.
     Or maybe there is no support?

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