SHACL uses shapes - not RDFS range and domain

"rdfs:range iirds:Component ;" means the range
"is of that class" not that there must be that triple because RDFS can be used to infer the fact and add it to the data.

See the SHACL spec :
which has lots of examples of shapes.

In this case:

In schema.ttl:

PREFIX iirds: <>
PREFIX rdf:     <>
PREFIX rdfs:    <>
PREFIX sh:      <>
PREFIX xsd:     <>
PREFIX :        <http://example/>

:shape1 sh:targetObjectsOf iirds:has-component ;
    sh:class  iirds:Component ;

and you'll get a violation

Add the expected triple to metadata.ttl:
    rdf:type  iirds:Component .

and the violation goes away.

From the commandline (shell scripts):

Jena SHACL engine:

 shacl v -s schema.ttl -d metadata.ttl

or see the instructions on for TopQuadrant TopBraid SHACL API

shaclvalidate  -shapesfile schema.ttl -datafile metadata.ttl


On 01/11/2020 02:11, wrote:
Hey guys,
i created an Issue one weeg ago and you recommended me to validate my schema 
with jena shacl. I did this, but i still don't get the expected result...
What do i have to change or what mistake did i do ? (i am not allowed to change 
the schema by the way).
Maybe you have some example code or another idea how to validate my 
metadata.rdf ?

The problem:
As you can see, i have a "topic" containing the property "has-component", but my schema just allows 
(rdfs:domain and rdfs:range) a "component" with the property "has-component".
The validation report says in both ways, that everything is confirm......

Thanks for you help:)
Greetings from Germany

My schema is original an .rdf-schema, but i converted it into .ttl in order to 
use shacl-shapes. It looks like the following:


@prefix schema: <> .
@prefix rdf:   <> .
@prefix iirds: <> .
@prefix rdfs:  <> .
iirds:Topic  a             rdfs:Class ;
         rdfs:comment       "A topic is a unit of information covering a single 
subject."@en ;
         rdfs:label         "Topic"@en , "Topic"@de ;
         rdfs:subClassOf    iirds:InformationUnit ;
         iirds:description  "IRI: required"@en , "The resource of a topic is a file 
in the iiRDS package."@en .

iirds:has-component  a         rdf:Property ;
         rdfs:comment           "Relates to a component that is part of another 
component."@en , "Verweist auf eine Kompoente, die Teil einer anderen Komponente 
ist."@de ;
         rdfs:domain            iirds:Component ;
         rdfs:label             "has component"@en , "hat Komponente"@de ;
         rdfs:range             iirds:Component ;
         rdfs:subPropertyOf     iirds:iirdsRelationConcept ;
         iirds:description      "Cardinality: 
[0..*]"@en , ""@en ;
         schema:domainIncludes  iirds:Component ;
         schema:rangeIncludes   iirds:Component .

iirds:Component  a         rdfs:Class ;
         rdfs:comment       "Describes a component of the technical system that the 
documentation refers to."@en ;
         rdfs:label         "Component"@en , "Komponente"@de ;
         rdfs:subClassOf    iirds:ProductMetadata ;
         iirds:description  "IRI: required"@en , "Components may have relations to 
ot[...] The iirds#Component may also be used as a docking point for external component 
definitions."@en .

My metadata.rdf converted into metadata.ttl looks like the following:


@prefix pifan: <> .
@prefix rdf:   <> .
@prefix iirds: <> .
@prefix rdfs:  <> .
         a                           iirds:Topic ;
         iirds:dateOfCreation        "2020-08-06T12:24:07.285+02:00"@de-de ;
<> ;
<> ;
                 <> , 
<> , 
<> ;
         iirds:title                 "Kontaktdaten"@de-de .

My code is the following:

//try with jena shacl
Graph shapesGraph = RDFDataMgr.loadGraph("schema.ttl");
Graph dataGraph = RDFDataMgr.loadGraph("metadata.ttl");       
Shapes shapes = Shapes.parse(shapesGraph);      
ValidationReport report = ShaclValidator.get().validate(shapes, dataGraph);
RDFDataMgr.write(System.out, report.getModel(), Lang.TTL);

//try with topbraid shacl
Model dataModel = org.topbraid.jenax.util.JenaUtil.createDefaultModel();"metadata.ttl");
Model shapeModel = org.topbraid.jenax.util.JenaUtil.createDefaultModel();"schema.ttl");        
Resource reportResource = ValidationUtil.validateModel(dataModel, shapeModel, 
File reportFile = new File("report.ttl");

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