Regarding first question: I maintain a dataset of 1 billion triples in a very 
old fuseki tdb version.

I would like to know if anyone’s working in trillion triple range , perhaps 
with RDF/HDT.


> On Jan 25, 2021, at 01:02, Marco Franke <> wrote:
> Dear developers,
> we use the Apache Fuseki Triple Store to store sensory data. Up to now, it 
> works pretty well.
> The challenge is that we have to import a lot of data in the upcoming month.
> At the moment, we have stored already ca. 500 000 triples and everything is 
> fine.
> My question is whether there is a limitation of the amount of triples to be 
> stored and queried?
> My second question is how to download the data again.
> I know there is the …./get endpoint for each endpoint. Does this endpoint 
> works for huge datasets, too?
> Thanks in Advance,
> Kind regards,
> Marco Franke
> i.A. Dipl. -Inf. Marco Franke
> Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter in 2.2
> BIBA - Bremer Institut für Produktion und Logistik GmbH
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> Simon

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