I am using the Jena GenericRuleReasoner. It is invoked in an Eclipse
environment. After creating an InfModel by calling
ModelFactory.createInfModel(reasoner, ontModel), I call
QueryExecutionFactory.create(QueryFactory.create(query, Syntax.syntaxARQ,
infModel). I then set the timeout by calling
queryExecution.setTimeout(timeoutTime). I then start to iterate over the
ResultSet returned by queryExecution.execSelect() by calling the
ResultSet's hasNext() method.

I would like to be able to cancel or abort if inference takes an excessive
amount of time. However, the call to the ResultSet hasNext() method results
in a call to FBRuleInfGraph find(s, p, o), which ultimately ends up at
LPBRuleEngine pump(gen), where gen is an LPInterpreterContext. Neither the
QueryExecution timeout nor a call to QueryExecution abort() has any effect
because control never gets out of the pump method. Is there a way to
terminate reasoner execution gracefully? If not, could one be implemented
by putting a check for cancellation, perhaps in the "while(!gen.isReady())"
or like the periodic check


and return cancelled?

There does not seem to be any way to terminate inference currently, even
though it is running as a separate Eclipse Job, so a separate thread. All
documentation that I find says that the process needs to check to see if it
has been cancelled; it can't be killed from outside.

Andy Crapo

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