On 15/02/2021 13:09, Deepali Singhavi wrote:

I am trying to explore Jena Backup and restore options using fuseki
administrative http protocol

I am running below http command for taking the backup

*curl -i -X POST http://localhost:3030/$/backup/backuptest

That intentionally puts the backup on the server local disk so it is not accessible from the outside. It is an admin operation with the expectation that it is an admin task to reload the database if needed (using tdbloader offline then swapping it into a server which is a restart currently).

If you want to do remote backup, simply send a SPARQL query to fetch the database.

And below command for restoring the backup

*curl -i -X PUT -H "Content-Type: application/n-quads" -d
http://localhost:3030/backuptest/ <http://localhost:3030/backuptest/>*

While it is working but I need to pass the file with Http put request for
backup is there any way to just pass the file location for restoring?

Note: I have already explored restoring backup using TDBloader2 but need to
stop the fuseki so not meeting our requirements.


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