
The general approach to this kind of complex sign on scenario would be to use 
an external authentication service/protocol e.g. OAuth2/Open ID Connect which 
handles the multi-factor authentication and then configure your applications 
authentication layer to just validate the Json Web Tokens (JWTs) that assert a 
users identity.

Shrio out of the box does not have OAuth2 integration, this tutorial post - 
https://dzone.com/articles/how-to-use-apache-shiro-and-oauth-20-to-build-a-se - 
looks like a possible approach and refers to 
https://github.com/oktadeveloper/okta-shiro-plugin as a plugin to provide this 

So my recommendation would be to provide your own separate OAuth2 compliant 
authentication server (try JBoss Keycloak if you're looking for an OSS 
solution) and then add validation of its tokens into your Fuseki setup


On 12/04/2021, 14:26, "Kruiger, J.F. (Han)" <han.krui...@tno.nl.INVALID> wrote:

    Hi there,

    I'm looking for a solution to have multifactor authentication (MFA) in 

    I'm pretty sure this lies outside of the scope of Apache Jena, but perhaps 
Fuseki's UI should be able to be compatible with it at some point in the future.

    I have found a potential solution to get multifactor authentication to work 
in Shiro: 
    TLDR; they use 2 Shiro realms, and a login can only succeed if both realms 
allow it.

    However, if we were to keep using Fuseki's UI, this will break, since it 
only asks for a username and password.

    Is there a (not too hacky) way to customize Fuseki's UI so that it can ask 
the user for more authentication details? And perhaps to add pages for user 
registration with one-time passwords to set up the MFA.

    What are your thoughts on this? Any suggestion is welcome.

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