What is the query?

RDF/XML is a graph format and so only makes sense for CONSTRUCT/DESCRIBE queries

ASK/SELECT queries are going to produce tabular results which uses the SPARQL 
XML Results format by default.

Historically there was an ability to transcribe the tabular format into a graph 
but this was a very niche use case (primarily only used in the SPARQL test 
suite itself).  There were a bunch of changes in Jena 4.x to simplify 
Content-Type handling to only use canonical formats by default.


On 22/04/2021, 08:10, "Bardo Nelgen" <mailing.list.in...@bnnperformances.de> 

    Hi all,
    Maybe there is something about Jena 4 with outputting „pretty“ 
    RDF/XML via Fuseki ?
    Whenever asking Fuseki (i.e. via HTTP… – be it from the GUI or via 
    curl) for RDF/XML results, it now ALWAYS defaults to SRX 
    The behaviour could be changed in older versions by sending an 
    Accept-Header for application/rdf+xml. With version 4.0, this option 
    appears to be gone.

    For now, I am through with the release notes, existing bug reports and 
    the list archive already but find nothing coming similar to what we 
    currently experience.�

    What is the contemporary approach to achieve the desired result ?
    Thanks in advance for any input.


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