I'm trying to migrate an application with content from themoviedb.org and
other sources.
The dataset count in fuseki is about 55 million triples.
To preserve order of connected data, reification is used, dsta insert with
sparql rdf*.

When querying the performance is horrible, example query:

PREFIX sub: <https://myexample.com/movie/>
PREFIX shema: <https://schema.org/>
WHERE { <<sub:123 shema:genres ?o>> shema:order ?order . }

This simple query which returns 10 triples takes about 195 seconds.
On blazegraph it's 50ms!
Test with a small dataset is fast...
I'm using Jena 4.2.0, Fuseki2 and TDB2
Cloud docker environment with 32GB ram for the instance and fast storage.

Any suggestions on this, is there any configuration i am missing?
Thank you very much, best regards.

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