No it's not, no version of Fuseki, or any other Jena library, currently offers SPARQL Query Caching
I presume there is some behaviour you are seeing that would lead you to suspect caching? There are a bunch of things going on both with the underlying TDB/TDB2 database layer that does include some caching of low level data structures. This is below the level of SPARQL queries themselves but running the same query repeatedly would use these caches on subsequent requests that could cause subsequent queries to run faster. Also if this is a cold JVM start then there are JVM class loading overheads for the first few queries you run as various classes are loaded that can also cause initial queries to be slower than subsequent ones. Rob On 23/11/2021, 19:02, "Philipp Leeb" <> wrote: Hey guys, i have a question: is embedded Fuseki caching SPARQL queries? And if so, is there a possibility to disable it? Kinds regards, Philipp