You could use the CONSTRUCT query form as rules and augment your model
with the constructed triples. Something like this (untested):

PREFIX  covidepid: <>
PREFIX  foaf: <>

    ?person a covidepid:YoungestPerson .
  { SELECT  ?house ?person ?lowestAge
      { ?person  foaf:age           ?lowestAge ;
                 covidepid:livesIn  ?house
        { SELECT  ?house (MIN(?age) AS ?lowestAge)
            { ?person  foaf:age           ?age ;
                       covidepid:livesIn  ?house
          GROUP BY ?house

Fix the covidepid: namespaces before use.
Execute using QueryExecution::execConstruct:

On Sun, Dec 5, 2021 at 2:24 PM Jakub Jałowiec
<> wrote:
> Thanks, that solves the problem and I'll stick to it for now.
> Nonetheless, is it possible to automatically infer being an instance of the
> hypothetical class "YoungestPerson" ("the person with the lowest foaf:age
> aggregate by house") in Apache Jena as described above? Ideally, I would
> prefer to separate my conceptual/declarative model from raw data
> manipulation using SPARQL. I am new to RDF & ontologies and I am not sure
> to what extent keeping those two is possible and if it is worth to actually
> invest a lot of time into that.
> Best regards,
> Jakub
> niedz., 5 gru 2021 o 10:12 Lorenz Buehmann <
>> napisał(a):
> > Hi,
> >
> >
> > the common pattern in SPARQL is to get the aggregated value in an inner
> > query first, then in the outer query get the entity with the aggregated
> > value:
> >
> > SELECT ?house ?person ?lowestAge {
> >    ?person foaf:age ?lowestAge .
> >    ?person covidepid:livesIn ?house .
> >
> >
> > {SELECT ?house (min(?age) as ?lowestAge)
> > WHERE {
> >    ?person foaf:age ?age .
> >    ?person covidepid:livesIn ?house .
> > }
> > GROUP BY ?house}
> > }
> >
> >
> >
> > On 03.12.21 02:16, Jakub Jałowiec wrote:
> > > Hi,
> > > I would appreciate any help with the following problem. I have a bunch of
> > > (foaf:Persons, myOntology:livesIn, myOntology:Place) triples. I am trying
> > > to find the youngest person in each myOntology:Place (i.e. the person
> > with
> > > the earliest value of foaf:age for each myOntology:Place).
> > > What I've tried so far were:
> > > - OWL complex classes (Class Expression Syntax (
> > )
> > > <>) -
> > per
> > > my understanding they have too weak expressivity to express aggregates
> > > among other individuals associated with them
> > > - SPARQL query - something along those lines would work fine but I do not
> > > know how to retrieve the IRI of the youngest person:
> > >
> > >> SELECT ?house (min(?age) as ?lowestAge)
> > >> WHERE {
> > >>    ?person foaf:age ?age .
> > >>    ?person covidepid:livesIn ?house .
> > >> }
> > >> GROUP BY ?house
> > >
> > > I am curious if extraction of the lowest foaf:age value among a group of
> > > people could be achieved using Apache Jena rules. From the documentation
> > (
> > > it seems to me
> > that
> > > the closest it gets to it is to write my custom built-in function that
> > > would do exactly that. Is that correct?
> > >
> > > Best regards,
> > > Jakub
> > >
> >

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