Out of curiosity, what notation (ontology syntax) are you using here?
On 12/5/2021 8:38 AM, Jakub Jałowiec wrote:
Hi, I have an OWL ontology https://github.com/kubajal/covidepid/blob/main/minimal_test.ttl. The ontology has the following definitions:- Person - CatPerson (subClassOf Person + CatPerson equivalentTo hasPet only Cat) - Animal - Cat (subClassOf Animal) - hasPet: Person -> Animal and the following instances: - person_1: Person and (hasPet only {cat_1}) - cat_1: Cat - hasPet(person_1, cat_1) I am using Apache Jena Fuseki 4.2.0 with the OWLFBRuleReasoner reasoner(link to the configuration: https://github.com/kubajal/covidepid/blob/main/minimal_test_config.ttl). I am executing the following query in Fuseki:PREFIX rdf: <http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#> PREFIX myOnt: < http://www.semanticweb.org/kubajal/ontologies/2021/11/untitled-ontology-157/SELECT ?s {?s rdf:type myOnt:CatPerson . }No results are returned whereas I would expect person_1 to be returned (as it is the case in e.g. Protege using Pellet). I am using https://jena.apache.org/documentation/ontology/#more-complex-class-expressions as documentation which says that the "all values from" construct is supported (so e.g. "CatPerson equivalentTo hasPet only Cat" should work). Am I missing something? Best regards, Jakub
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