Yes, it is TDB2 and a lot of order triples.
I did not try this combination, it works. The documentation really needs an
update for this...
Thank you very much.

On Sat, Dec 18, 2021 at 8:37 PM Andy Seaborne <> wrote:

> On 18/12/2021 16:58, Dragan Lesic wrote:
> > Hello,
> > I'm trying to update (delete+insert) some data which has also reification
> > in it (order of cast members for a movie for example).
> > When doing delete all triples for a subject that order data seems not to
> be
> > deleted.
> > For example i need to change the order.
> > After inserting new data, when doing queries I get the new and old data
> > back.
> > Executing a delete for RDF-star data is extremely slow.
> >
> >
> > Queries:
> > Query data (with order):
> >
> > PREFIX sub: <>
> > PREFIX shema: <>
> > SELECT DISTINCT ?order ?name
> > WHERE {
> > sub:SOMEID shema:cast ?o {|shema:order ?order|} .
> > ?o shema:name ?name .
> > }
> > ORDER BY ?order
> >
> > Returns:
> > order
> > name
> >
> > "0"^^xsd:integer
> > "Sigourney Weaver"@en
> >
> > "1"^^xsd:integer
> > "Annie Potts"@en
> >
> > "1"^^xsd:integer
> > "Annie Potts"@en
> > ...
> > This is wrong, I have the order 1 twice because of an earlier insert. I
> > want to delete it and insert correctly.
> >
> >
> > Then delete everything:
> > PREFIX sub: <>
> > WHERE { sub:SOMEID ?p ?o . }
> >
> > Then when I insert all data again, with the correct data and no
> duplicates
> > (I've checked) and i get the duplicate reference again.
> >
> > When trying to delete all references first it works but is extremely
> slow,
> > takes minutes to complete:
> >
> > PREFIX sub: <>
> > PREFIX shema: <>
> > delete
> > where { << sub:SOMEID shema:cast ?o >> shema:order ?order }
> >
> > Any ideas what I am doing wrong, or how to make it faster?
> > Thanks in advance.
> >
> Hi,
> What's the storage? TDB2?
> How much data?
> I guess there are a lot of "shema:order" triples.
> <<>> isn't indexed (there have been no changes in database layout for
> RDF-star) so it needs to do:
> ?X shema:order ?order
> then check ?X with << sub:SOMEID shema:cast ?o >>
> You could give it a starting point:
> { << sub:SOMEID shema:cast ?o >> shema:order ?order  }
>     sub:SOMEID shema:cast ?o {|shema:order ?order|} ;
>   }
> or the use case in one request:
> ----
>     sub:SOMEID shema:cast ?o {|shema:order ?order|} .
>   }
> ;
> DELETE WHERE { sub:SOMEID ?p ?o . }
> ----
>      Andy

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