Let's say I am hosting Apache Jena Fuseki at http//somewebsite.com and that
I have a  persistent dataset at  http//
somewebsite.com/some_persistent_dataset  . The persistent dataset contains
a bunch of RDF triples like this one: "http//
http://xmlns.com/foaf/0.1/age 123".

I'd like to host the "http//somewebsite.com/some_persistent_dataset/person_1"
IRI in Fuseki. Basically what I want to achieve is to provide the user with
a friendly HTML interface that let's them browse through the links that are
within the root URL of the Fuseki host. Ideally, I'd like to display the
associated properties of the IRI grouped by property type, so e.g. all
"http//somewebsite.com/some_persistent_dataset/person_1 foaf:knows ?X"
triples are displayed as a single list of Xs for that IRI etc.

I know that I am missing here tons of technical details (e.g. how to query,
filter & display triples associated with the given IRI) but nonetheless has
anyone tried to do implement a richer UI in Fuseki that would support
hosting custom IRIs in that way? That seems to be a basic feature of
Linked-Data Platforms (LDP) but I have not yet found an LDP that is easy to
use (please let me know if you have). I thought that implementing something
like that might be quicker in Fuseki (plus you get the benefit of having an
OWL reasoner for free).

Does it even make sense to implement such features in Fuseki or are there
external tools that are better in it and integrate with Jena?

Best regards,

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