The Apache Jena development community is pleased to
announce the release of Apache Jena 4.4.0.

== New Fuseki UI

The main item in this release is the updated Fuseki UI thanks to work by Bruno. The UI has been rewritten for improved maintenance and style. We look forward to evolving this new code base.

== Dependency Updates

  Apache log4j is at 2.17.1
  Apache Lucene: is updated to 8.10.1 -> 8.11.1
  Titanium JSON-LD updated 1.1.0 -> 1.2.0

as well as all other dependences being checked for updates.

== Community Contributions

Erich Bremer
Jan Martin Keil

== Fuseki war file

The war file for Fuseki is no longer in the apache-jena-fuseki zip download. Instead, it is available from the downloads page.

This halves the size of the zip/tar.gz for the standalone server.

The Fuseki war file does not work in Tomcat10 due to the javax->jakarta switchover. Apache Tomcat provide a converter:

== Fuseki: HTML file upload support

Fuseki: serviceUpload (HTML file upload only service) is no longer added in a default configuration. Existing configurations are unaffected.

This is not SPARQL GSP.

GSP (POST/PUT) endpoint accepts HTML file uploads as well as the usual direct POST/PUT with content-type.

== Improved bulk loader

This release includes the version of the TDB2 xloader for very large datasets.

It has been used to load 16.6B triples (WikiData all) into TDB2 and loading truthy (6B) on modest hardware. Thanks to Marco, Lorenz and Øyvind for running Wikidata load trails.

The loader now now has "--threads=" which been reported to give improved load times (if the server has the hardware!).

== Assembler for GeoSPARQL

This makes it easier to use GeoPSARQL in a plain Fuseki.

== All tickets in the release

== Obtaining Apache Jena 4.4.0

* Via

The main jars and their dependencies can used with:


Full details of all maven artifacts are described at:

* As binary downloads

Apache Jena libraries are available as a binary distribution of
libraries. For details of a global mirror copy of Jena binaries please see:

* Source code for the release

The signed source code of this release is available at:

and the signed master source for all Apache Jena releases is available

== Contributing

If you would like to help out, a good place to look is the list of
unresolved JIRA at:

or review pull requests at

or drop into the dev@ list.

We use github pull requests and other ways for accepting code:

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