
Here is an example of how we use it in JUnit: 

And here is an AssertJ helper we wrote: 


On 2022-02-09, 17:10, "Shaw, Ryan" <ryans...@unc.edu> wrote:

    Thank you, Andy. 

    I agree that working on the triple level is the correct way to approach 
this. I was looking for something quick and dirty that would work with textual 
diffing by a VCS, hence my focus on the blank node labels.

    Are there any examples of how to use the isomorphism utilities in Jena?

    > On Feb 5, 2022, at 12:48 PM, Andy Seaborne <a...@apache.org> wrote:
    > On 04/02/2022 19:09, Shaw, Ryan wrote:
    >> Hello,
    >> I am trying to experiment with generating diffable N-Triples or flat 
Turtle files.
    > ...
    >> Thanks,
    >> Ryan
    > Info: There is work on a charter for
    > "RDF Dataset Canonicalization and Hash Working Group"
    > https://w3c.github.io/rch-wg-charter/
    > The end of section 1 has some links to related work.
    > Given RDF is inherently unordered, canonicalization and "diff of triples" 
are related.
    > For diff-able files, what counts as "different" between two files?
    > Instead of changing the bnode algorithm, have you considered making use 
of bnode-isomorphism? That is, during a diff, maintain a growing mapping from 
bnodes in one list of triples to bnodes in the other list?
    > Iso.isomorphicTriples
    > (The list being the triples in encounter order during parsing). It is 
working not so much on the syntax as the abstraction of triples. e.g A Turtle 
file and an NT file produced by parsing the TTL file can be defined to be "the 
    > It's fairly portable across files generated by other systems as well 
except for Turtle lists - Jena as a fixed order for triple generation for a 
list but it isn't necesasrily the same for all systems.
    > Jena's Turtle algorithm, which is in LangTurtleBase, generates in list 
order, with rdf:first, then rdf:rest; the triple the referencing the list 
appears after the list. It happens to be the way the spec explains it:
    >   https://www.w3.org/TR/turtle/#sec-parsing-triples
    > but that is defining the outcome and isn't a requirement.
    >    Andy

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