Hi Jena support team,

We are experiencing an issue with Jena Fuseki databases. In the databases 
folder we see some files called SPO.dat, OSP.dat, etc., and the size of these 
files are growing quickly. From our understanding these files are containing 
the Lucene indexes. We would have two questions:

1. Why are these files growing rapidly, although the underlying data (triples) 
are not being changed, or only slightly changed?
2. Can we disable indexing easily, since we are not using full text searches in 
our SPARQL queries?

Our usage of Jena Fuseki:

* Start the server with `fuseki-server —port 3030`
* Create databases with HTTP POST to 
* Upload ttl files with HTTP POST to /db_name/data

Thanks in advance for your feedback, and if you’d require more input from our 
side, please let me know.

Best regards,
Gaspar Bartalus

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