On 02/11/2022 16:29, Shaw, Ryan wrote:
I am using the newer fuseki:endpoint style.

The issue is that when a new dataset is created via the Fuseki UI, the default 
endpoints that are created include the following two:

fuseki:endpoint  [ fuseki:operation  fuseki:update ] ;

fuseki:endpoint  [ fuseki:operation  fuseki:gsp-rw ] ;

So that is the one that matching "/**=anon"

> /*/data/**

Did you want it on that endpoint?

   [ fuseki:operation  fuseki:gsp-rw ;
     fuseki:name "data"
   ] ;

It will go to the same dataset.

GSP/quads is hard to distinguished because it's signature is the content-type.

If I understand correcting the former enables SPARQL UPDATE queries and the 
latter enables PUTting a new graph.

Yes - but they don't have to be operations directly on the dataset. They can be named services of the dataset which tnen match in shio rules : /*/data.

These endpoints make it difficult to use shiro.ini to restrict updates, since 
they use the path of the dataset itself rather than a subpath like /data or 

You don't have to do it that way.

I can go in and remove these endpoints by editing the configuration file for 
the dataset, and that’s what I’ve done to address this issue. But it’s less 
than ideal, since I can’t just use the UI to create a dataset — I also have to 
deploy a modified config file, which can be a little fiddly when you’re running 
Fuseki in a cloud container.


You can also change the template file used when creating the dataset. It is in run/templates/config-tdb2 etc. so you can change it on a per server basis.

zip up the modified run with the binary and distribute that.

Since I am using this Fuseki instance in a class to teach students SPARQL, it 
would be nice to be able to create a dataset in the UI that students can query, 
without worrying about them deleting or modifying the dataset, and without 
having a separate sysadmin step of pushing a new config file every time I 
create a dataset.

On Nov 2, 2022, at 6:55 AM, Andy Seaborne <a...@apache.org> wrote:

Hi Ryan,

Are you using the "fuseki:service*" style for defining the operations?

The newer

    fuseki:endpoint [
        # SPARQL Graph Store Protcol (read and write)
        fuseki:operation fuseki:gsp_rw ;
        fuseki:name "data"
    ] ;

style allows more precise definition of endpoints.


:serviceReadWriteGraphStore implicitly adds PUT to the dataset (quads mode) and 
"/**=anon" applies.

If you use "fuseki:operation fuseki:gsp_rw" there isn't this side effect.

You can go further with fuseki:allowedUsers on individual endpoint/operation. 
shiro.ini does not support that but you'll need shiro to do user login.

A server without UI and without admin (currently :-) can Fuseki/main can use 
the Jetty security handling - no shiro.ini - but that's a completely separate 


On 31/10/2022 22:36, Shaw, Ryan wrote:
I am trying to configure fuseki-server so that
* an admin logging in via basic auth can create and update datasets
* anonymous users can only query datasets
My shiro.ini:
ssl.enabled = false
plainMatcher = org.apache.shiro.authc.credential.SimpleCredentialsMatcher
iniRealm.credentialsMatcher = $plainMatcher
# admin functions open to anyone
/$/ping     = anon
/$/server   = anon
/$/stats    = anon
/$/stats/*  = anon
# and the rest of the admin functions are restricted
/$/** = authcBasic,user[admin]
# dataset loads and updates are restricted
/*/data/**   = authcBasic,user[admin]
/*/update/** = authcBasic,user[admin]
# everything else is open to anyone
With this shiro.ini configuration, anonymous users can still PUT to a dataset 
URL to update it. I want to disallow that. How ?

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