Below is an example from (rewritten in ofn due to minor syntax error in example and my greater familiarity with ofn), with one minor addition.  I declared an object property that is not used anywhere else.

Ontology( <>
    Annotation( purl:title "Test RDF Frames" )

     Declaration( Class( rf:LivingThing ) )
     Declaration( Class( rf:Animal ) )
     SubClassOf(rf:Animal rf:LivingThing  )
     Declaration( Class( rf:Mammal ) )
     SubClassOf(rf:Mammal rf:Animal  )
     Declaration( ObjectProperty ( rf:hasSkeleton ) )
     ObjectPropertyDomain( rf:hasSkeleton rf:Animal )

     Declaration( ObjectProperty ( rf:unused ) )    # added to example

When I call OntClass.listDeclaredProperties, the rf:unused property appears in the list for all the classes in the ontology. Otherwise it behaves as in the example.  I have done some other simple tests, and it seems to list almost all the properties in the ontology for all classes.  What I would like to do is have it list for a class only the properties that are known (can be proven) to be used in the definition of that class, e.g., where removal of that property might change what appears in the ABox for a particular knowledge base.  I would appreciate help understanding this behavior and how I might get something closer to the desired list.  Where am I getting bitten by the open world assumption?

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