Thank you, you answered my question: they should behave the same.

I tried a couple of reasoners and no reasoning, same result.

I'm doing something a bit odd in how reasoning is structured.  I recall seeing some code in OntModelImpl that handles special cases for Individuals.  It would probably take me more trial-and-error time to create a simple self-contained test that reproduces this than to fish around with the debugger first. OntModel#listIndividuals works for me, good enough for now.

On 1/1/2023 3:49 AM, Lorenz Buehmann wrote:
I can't reproduce this with a dummy example just containing a single OWL class with a single individual.

Both ways return  the individual. Do you have some inference enabled? Can you share sample data and code? All entities are strongly typed (don't know if this matters here)?

OntModel::listIndividuals(type) calls

getGraph().find( null, RDF.type.asNode(), type.asNode() );
OntClass::listInstances() does

                .listStatements( null, RDF.type, this )
                .mapWith( s -> s.getSubject().as( Individual.class ) )
                .filterKeep( o -> o.hasRDFType( OntClassImpl.this, direct ))
                .filterKeep( new UniqueFilter<Individual>());

On 31.12.22 21:07, Steve Vestal wrote:
Given an OntModel myModel and an OntClass myClass contained in myModel, the call myModel.listIndividuals(myClass) provides the expected list of Individuals that are members of myClass; but the call myClass.listInstances() doesn't list anything.  I am curious what the difference is between the two (I was not able to make that out from the javadoc).

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