Thanks again, that worked to fetch statement predicates as both OntResource and OntProperty.

This came up while experimenting to better understand rdf-frames (see earlier apologetically lengthy Question about RDF Frames). However, this might be useful when using SPARQL with OntModels and dealing with imports that do not fully conform to OWL (e.g., use vanilla rdf:property, which I have seen happen in files that have owl:Ontology declarations).

On 1/1/2023 3:22 AM, Lorenz Buehmann wrote:
Hi Steve!

Looks like you're looking for something similar to Individual::getOntClasses, but I think there is no such method in the code.

Also, once getting statements, the type itself would be opaque.

What you can do is to call .canAs() and then .as() methods, for example

OntModel m = ...

ExtendedIterator<Individual> individuals = m.listIndividuals();
individuals.forEach(i -> {
            i.listProperties().forEach(stmt -> {
                Property predicate = stmt.getPredicate();
                if (predicate.canAs(OntProperty.class)) {
                    OntProperty property =;

But I think this is not what you want, but I can't think of why you would need this?



On 31.12.22 17:45, Steve Vestal wrote:
I am using Individual#listProperties (inherited Resource#listProperties) to get the property instances (triples) for Individuals in an OntModel.  This method returns an iterator of Statements.  The statement objects are returned as ResourceImpl java objects, and the predicates are returned as PropertyImpl java objects.  What I would like to get as statement objects and predicates are the OntResource and OntProperty implementations from the OntModel.  I could find no methods such as Resource#isOntResource or Resource#asOntResource.  What is a good way to list property triples that maintains existing Ontology natures of statement objects, predicates, subjects?

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