Hi Jonathan,

Hi Andy,

Could you say somnthing about the usage patterns you are interested in supporting? Size of data? Query load?

Yes of course, we aims to store Partially uniprot ontology in order to study metabolism on multiple layer Organism/Gene/Protein/Reaction/Pathway. Thus we will get a huge amount of public and private data (both academic research and industrial). So we have to use apache shiro to contol who can acces some data (by tenant)

Currently size of data is estimated around 1 To
We will provides a Knowledge release time to time so we will most of time doing read only query and sometime we will push our new release (1 To).

There is a Lucene based text index.
Indeed I see this I will take a look, on how to enable lucene with TDB

Also we will take a look to the fuseki API in order to be able to use it through our python application (more rarely Kotlin)

We aims to perform some GeoSpatial query (maybe we would have to make a plugin) in order to have a dedicated algorithm to walk though our knowledge graph 2) can we deploy a distributed TDB service, in order to have efficient query ?

It can scale sideways with multiple copies of the database kept consistent across a cluster of replicas using the separate project (it is not an Apache Foundation project) that provides high availability and multiple query

RDF Delta
Thanks Andy I will take a look

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