You're right, I should have shown you a real concrete example from the
In Biolink Model ontology "has_catalyst" property is defined as below
line 4010):
*biolink:has_catalyst* a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:label "has catalyst" ;
rdfs:domain biolink:MolecularActivity ;
rdfs:range biolink:NucleicAcidEntity ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf biolink:has_participant ;
*owl:inverseOf biolink:catalyzes .*
And reciprocally "catalyzes" property (line 3532):
*biolink:catalyzes* a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:label "catalyzes" ;
rdfs:domain biolink:NucleicAcidEntity ;
rdfs:range biolink:MolecularActivity ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf biolink:participates_in ;
*owl:inverseOf biolink:has_catalyst* ;
biolink:canonical_predicate "True" .
So `*biolink:has_catalyst*` and `*biolink:catalyzes*` are two
properties with inverse relation.
My data:
ex:A biolink:has_catalyst ex:B
We can request:
SELECT ?enzyme
ex:A biolink:has_catalyst ?enzyme .
to get ex:B as reulst.
Thanks to `owl:inverseOf`, we could request in the reverse way ("What
does catalyse ex:A?"):
SELECT ?enzyme
?enzyme biolink:catalyzes ex:A .
which does not work for me because the Biolink Model ontology is not
yet correctly integrated.
Le lun., févr. 6 2023 at 11:08:38 +0100, Lorenz Buehmann
<> a écrit :
Ok, but if your example isn't related to the link, how is the link
related to your current issue?
Can you share the ontology with the father relation where the
inference doesn't work for you?
On 06.02.23 10:42, Yang-Min KIM wrote:
Le lun., févr. 6 2023 at 10:30:17 +0100, Lorenz Buehmann
<>> a écrit :
Dear Dave and Lorenz,
Thank you for your reply!
As I am a beginner in ontology, I do not yet know all the different
terms, e.g. SWRL, I'm checking!
My exemple (father-child...etc) is not related to the link (Biolink
Model), and actually Biolink Model provides also in OWL (ttl)
I don't code in Java, but as advised by Dave, I'll see the Fuseki 's
"Inference" section.
I will be back to you if I have any further problems.
Have a nice day,