On 24/05/2023 10:22, Steven Blanchard wrote:
Hi Andy,

I tried it on a local disk and it had no impact on the average speed for the Data stage.

SSD or rotating disk? (It shouldn't make an extreme difference or xloader, because that's part of the point of the xloader.)

I checked with iostat, there was indeed an increase in the speed of reading the input files. This step writes very little data so there was no difference in the writing speed.

I also did a test with only 1 of the uniprot files (291 million tuples) and the average speed was about 160,000 tuples/s. This value corresponds to speeds obtained on other insertions.

On the exact same hardware?

Could this decrease of average speed be related to the amount of total data? Is it possible to run this Data step only file by file and all the other steps with all files?

Not sure - there is a shared node table being built. The slowness is presumably a consequence of the previous stages. The use of the some URI needs to have the same internal NodeId everywhere - i.e. seeing all the data.

I'm still not seeing why the data stage starts at a slow rate - I will need to find time to explore the code.

(This is an argument for having NodeIds be hashes because that can be computed without reference to the table unique ids and representation storage. Downside - the NodeIds would be longer, 96 or 128 bits and hashes have bad locality (i.e. none whatsoever)).


Thank you,


Le mar., mai 23 2023 at 11:30:36 +0100, Andy Seaborne <a...@apache.org> a écrit :

On 22/05/2023 16:38, Steven Blanchard wrote:

Le lun., mai 22 2023 at 16:18:21 +0100, Andy Seaborne <a...@apache.org <mailto:a...@apache.org>> a écrit :
Hello Andy,

Hi Steven,

How are you runnign xloader? Default settings?

Yes, we use your default settings.
The command line used is the following line :
tdb2.xloader --loc /nfs/uniprot_tmp/tdb2/UniProt_04_2022/ --tmpdir /nfs/uniprot_tmp/ --threads 30 /nfs/uniprot_tmp/Download/2022_04/uniprotkb_*.rdf

Just looking at that, the use of NFS may be related.

NFS is shared, remote filing system so it has comparative high overheads on every operation to give the semantics of sharing (visibility on write).

Could you try using local disk to see if that makes a difference?


What's the storage being used?
We use a Block Storage from a cloud providers with ssd on a mouted nsf volume.

On 22/05/2023 10:49, Steven Blanchard wrote:

I am currently trying to load a very large dataset ( 54 billion triples) with the tdb2.xloader command.

The first two steps (Nodes and Terms) are completed with an average load speed of ~ 120,000.
The third stage (Data) has an average load speed of only 800.

is thet "Avg" is 800 from teh start of the phase or "the average drops to 800" during the phase?
The Avg is 800 from the start of the phase and he stay at 800.

This average load speed is incompatible with the amount of data to be loaded.

Looking at the status of the job, it is possible that there is an excessive demand on memory which slows down the process extremely.

We saw with a top that java required many memories :
# PID              USER   PR NI      VIRT       RES     SHR S %CPU %MEM       TIME+ COMMAND # 867362 sblanch+ 20  0 289,0g    90,2g  88,4g S       3,3 72,1    1102:32               java

xloader does not have much requirement for java heap memory.
Ok, since our email we have try to increase the -xmx and we have not an increase of the performance.
That space may be mapped files.

But with a free -g, we see that it actually uses very little memory.
free -g
#             total used free shared buff/cache available
# Mem: 125          3     0             0                 121  120

Are there any possibilities to speed up this step?  (Give a -xms to java?) Can this significant drop in loading speed for this step be due to memory usage? Do you know of any other limiting causes in this loading stage?

For previous insertions on smaller datasets, this Data step was not limiting and the average speed was even slightly higher than the Nodes and Terms steps.

How small is "smaller"?
For example, we have upload UniRef RDF Database (Same providers like UniProt)  with 12 Milliards of triples with an average for Data task of 230 000 tuples/s

That sounds like what I see when loading.

For information, the machine used has 32 CPUs and 128 Giga of Ram.

Thanks for your help,


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