Hi Rob,

On 10/07/2023 14:05, Rob @ DNR wrote:

Poked around a bit today but not sure I’ve reproduced anything as such or found 
any smoking guns

I ran a Fuseki instance with the same watch command you showed in your last 
message.  JVM Heap stays essentially static even after hours, there’s some 
minor fluctuation up and down in used heap space but the heap itself doesn’t 
grow at all.  Did this with a couple of different versions of 4.x to see if 
there’s any discernible difference but nothing meaningful showed up.  I also 
used 3.17.0 but again couldn’t reproduce the behaviour you are describing.

I too reported the heap (and non-heap) remain stable so not sure in what way the behaviour you are seeing is different. The issue is process size.

For reference I’m on OS X 13.4.1 using OpenJDK 17

For reference I have similar behaviour on the follow combinations:

   Amazon Linux 2, Amazon Corretto 11
   Amazon Linux 2, Amazon Corretto 17
   Amazon Linux 2, Elipse Temurin 17
   Ubuntu 22.04, Elipse Temurin 17

Bare metal:
   Ubuntu 22.04, OpenJdk 11

The process peak memory (for all versions I tested) seems to peak at about 1.5G 
as reported by the vmmap tool.  Ongoing monitoring, i.e., OS X Activity Monitor 
shows the memory usage of the process fluctuating over time, but I don’t ever 
see the unlimited growth that your original report suggested.  Also, I didn’t 
set heap explicitly at all so I’m getting the default max heap of 4GB, and my 
actual heap usage was around 100 MB.

If I set the heap max to 500M the process size growth seems to largely level off around 1.5-2GB over the space of hours. So comparable to yours. However, it's not clear that it is absolutely stable by then. Our original failures only occurred after several days and the graphs for 24hour tests are noisy enough to not be confident it's reached any absolute stability by 2GB.

If I set the heap max to 4GB then the process grows larger and we've certainly seen instances where it reached 3GB. Even though the the heap size itself is stable (small fluctuations but no trends) and remains under 100MB. Not left it going longer than than because that's already no good for us.

Note almost all of these tests have been with data in TDB, even though not running any queries. If I run a fuseki with just --mem and no data loaded at all the growth is slower and that may be the closer to your test setup but the growth is still there.

I see from vmmap that most of the memory appears to be virtual memory related 
to the many shared native libraries that the JVM links against which on a real 
OS is often swapped out as it’s not under active usage.

I don't have vmmap available (that's a BSD tool I think) but clearly virtual memory is a different matter. I'm only concerned with the resident set size.

To check resident size the original graphs showing the issue were based on memory % metrics from docker runtime (via prometheus metrics scrape) when testing as a container. Testing bare metal then I've used both RSS and the so called PSS mentioned in:

PSS didn't show any noticeably different curve than RSS so while RSS can be misleading it seems accurate here.

In a container, where swap is likely disabled, that’s obviously more 
problematic as everything occupies memory even if much of it might be for 
native libraries that are never needed by anything Fuseki does.  Again, I don’t 
see how that would lead to the apparently unbounded memory usage you’re 

Not sure swap is relevant, even on the bare metal there's no swapping going on.

Certainly agree that virtual memory space will fill up with mappings for native libraries but it's not VSS I'm worried about.

You could try using jlink to build a minimal image where you only have the 
parts of the JDK that you need in the image.  I found the following old Jena 
thread - https://lists.apache.org/thread/dmmkndmy2ds8pf95zvqbcxpv84bj7cz6 - 
which actually describes an apparently similar memory issue but also has an 
example of a Dockerfile linked at the start of the thread that builds just such 
a minimal JRE for Fuseki.

Interesting thought but petty sure at this point the issue is Jetty, and that gives us the best work around so far. I'll post separately about that.

Note that I also ran the leaks tool against the long running Fuseki processes 
and that didn’t find anything of note, 5.19KB of memory leaks over a 3.5 hr run 
so no smoking gun there.

Agreed, we've also run leak testers but didn't find any issue and didn't expect to. As we've said several times, throughout all this - heap, non-heap, thread count, thread stack and direct memory buffers (at least as visible to the JVM) are all stable.




From: Dave Reynolds <dave.e.reyno...@gmail.com>
Date: Friday, 7 July 2023 at 11:11
To: users@jena.apache.org <users@jena.apache.org>
Subject: Re: Mystery memory leak in fuseki
Hi Andy,

Thanks for looking.

Good thought on some issue with stacked requests causing thread leak but
don't think that matches our data.

  From the metrics the number of threads and total thread memory used is
not that great and is stable long term while the process size grows, at
least in our situation.

This is based on both the JVM metrics from the prometheus scrape and by
switching on native memory checking and using jcmd to do various low
level dumps.

In a test set up we can replicate the long term (~3 hours) process
growth (while the heap, non-heap and threads stay stable) by just doing
something like:

watch -n 1 'curl -s http://localhost:3030/$/metrics'

With no other requests at all. So I think that makes it less likely the
root cause is triggered by stacked concurrent requests. Certainly the
curl process has exited completely each time. Though I guess there could
some connection cleanup going on in the linux kernel still.

  > Is the OOM kill the container runtime or Java exception?

We're not limiting the container memory but the OOM error is from docker
runtime itself:
      fatal error: out of memory allocating heap arena map

We have replicated the memory growth outside a container but not left
that to soak on a small machine to provoke an OOM, so not sure if the
OOM killer would hit first or get a java OOM exception first.

One curiosity we've found on the recent tests is that, when the process
has grown to dangerous level for the server, we do randomly sometimes
see the JVM (Temurin 17.0.7) spit out a thread dump and heap summary as
if there were a low level exception. However, there's no exception
message at all - just a timestamp the thread dump and nothing else. The
JVM seems to just carry on and the process doesn't exit. We're not
setting any debug flags and not requesting any thread dump, and there's
no obvious triggering event. This is before the server gets completely
out of the memory causing the docker runtime to barf.


On 07/07/2023 09:56, Andy Seaborne wrote:
I tried running without any datasets. I get the same heap effect of
growing slowly then a dropping back.

Fuseki Main (fuseki-server did the same but the figures are from main -
there is less going on)
Version 4.8.0

fuseki -v --ping --empty    # No datasets

4G heap.
71M allocated
4 threads (+ Daemon system threads)
2 are not parked (i.e. they are blocked)
The heap grows slowly to 48M then a GC runs then drops to 27M
This repeats.

Run one ping.
Heap now 142M, 94M/21M GC cycle
and 2 more threads at least for a while. They seem to go away after time.
2 are not parked.

Now pause process the JVM, queue 100 pings and continue the process.
Heap now 142M, 80M/21M GC cycle
and no more threads.

Thread stacks are not heap so there may be something here.

Same except -Xmx500M
RSS is 180M
Heap is 35M actual.
56M/13M heap cycle
and after one ping:
I saw 3 more threads, and one quickly exited.
2 are not parked

100 concurrent ping requests.
Maybe 15 more threads. 14 parked. One is marked "running" by visualvm.
RSS is 273M

With -Xmx250M -Xss170k
The Fuseki command failed below 170k during classloading.

1000 concurrent ping requests.
Maybe 15 more threads. 14 parked. One is marked "running" by visualvm.
The threads aren't being gathered.
RSS is 457M.

So a bit of speculation:

Is the OOM kill the container runtime or Java exception?

There aren't many moving parts.

Maybe under some circumstances, the metrics gatherer or ping caller
causes more threads. This could be bad timing, several operations
arriving at the same time, or it could be the client end isn't releasing
the HTTP connection in a timely manner or is delayed/failing to read the
entire response.  HTTP/1.1. -- HTTP/2 probably isn't at risk.

Together with a dataset, memory mapped files etc, it is pushing the
process size up and on a small machine that might become a problem
especially if the container host is limiting RAM.

But speculation.


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