On 11/07/2024 11:47, Steven Blanchard wrote:

We want to improve our fuseki instance to reduce the request time when
we launch multiple request at the same time on the same dataset.

We launch our request by the fuseki REST API.

We have the impression that the requests are processed one after the

Fuseki is multiple reader and single writer

There can be as many readers as you like (limited by hardware) and they all execute in parallel. One thread each.

In addition, there can be a single writer and further writers are queued.

We tried to create multiple fuseki instance that use some commun
dataset but we have a read acess error when we start the second
instance because of the first instance create a lock file in the

It's possible to do this or it's a fuseki limitation ?

If the first part is sufficient,
see the non-Apache project RDF Delta https://afs.github.io/rdf-delta/

They have some other tips, advices or possibility to improve the
multiprocessing capacity of a fuseki server? to reduce time of

What do the requests look like?

The shape of requests greatly affects the answers here.


Our final goal are to upgrade our "developpement" fuseki server with
default paramaters to a production server with an high scalability and
optimised response times.

Thanks for our help,


                [Logo Microbiome Studio]


                STEVEN BLANCHARD

Station F - 5 parvis Alan Turing
75013 Paris, France
  _ https://microbiomestudio.com/_

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