

I'm currently seeing a lot of OffsetOutOfRangeException in my server logs
(it's not something that appeared recently, I simply didn't use Kafka
before). I tried to find information on the mailing-list, but nothing seems
to match my case. 


ERROR error when processing request FetchRequest(topic:test-topic, part:0
offset:3004960 maxSize:1048576) (kafka.server.KafkaRequestHandlers)

     kafka.common.OffsetOutOfRangeException: offset 3004960 is out of range


I understand that, at startup, consumers will ask for a MAX_VALUE offset to
trigger this exception and detect the correct offset, right ?


In my case, it's just too often (much more than the number of consumer
connections), but I also noticed it seems to happen in particular for topics
with a "0" retention. Did anybody else suffer from the same symptoms ?


Although it seems not critical (everything seems to work), it's probably far
from optimal, and the log is just full of those.





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