Sorry for the late reply.  Totally understand your point in developing a 
quality software. But this scenario is a deployment situation where server 
going down is inevitable (and not so much software is not reliable in this 
case). What I am really looking for is Kafka producer library (and consumer as 
well for that matter) to provide ability for handling timeout. In a distributed 
environment, the ability to handle timeout is common and useful. Thanks.


-----Original Message-----
From: Philip O'Toole [] 
Sent: Thursday, April 04, 2013 2:38 PM
Subject: Re: How do you handle server down in producer

Not much you can do, right? Either buffer the Events in memory (for as much
memory as you have) or drop it.

IMHO if Kafka is a critical piece of your Infrastructure, it's hard to
solve the issue of what to do when it goes down. Instead, engineer your
system so your Producers and Kafka Brokers are reliable and redundant --
and well tested.


On Thu, Apr 4, 2013 at 2:30 PM, Jamie Wang <> wrote:

> What is the best way to handle kafka server going down during a message
> send by a producer? We have seen our producer stuck waiting until kafka
> server comes back. Is there ways the producer can catch a timeout or ways
> to test if Kafka server is up so to send the message. Having the producer
> hang in memory and not do anything indefinitly is not desirable in our
> scenario.  Thanks for your help.
> Jamie

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