Yes, I mean we can only consume half the messages produced.  I followed the
high-level consumer example here:

Let me give a more complete scenario:

- We run 3 zookeepers
- We run 2 brokers
- We do not have a topic defined, but we have enabled topic auto-creation
(with a replication factor of 2? must check this)
- We connect the producer to both brokers (pocmsg5:9092,pocmsg6:9092)
- We stuff the topic into the KeyedMessage key with no Partitioner.  I was
not aware of the use of the key until last night.
- We generate 10 messages
- Topic auto-creation results in the following partitions:
        topic: unittest-test-msg        partition: 0    leader: 0
replicas: 0     isr: 0
        topic: unittest-test-msg        partition: 1    leader: 1
replicas: 1     isr: 1
        topic: unittest-test-msg        partition: 2    leader: 0
replicas: 0     isr: 0
        topic: unittest-test-msg        partition: 3    leader: 1
replicas: 1     isr: 1
- We construct a single Kafka stream by calling createStreams with a
zookeeper (pocmsg5:2181) and one thread
        public <K,V> Map<String, List<KafkaStream<K,V>>>
                        Map<String, Integer> topicCountMap, 
                        Decoder<K> keyDecoder, 
                        Decoder<V> valueDecoder)
- We consume only half the messages
- It looks as if partitions 0 and 2 are on pocmsg5, while partitions 1 and 3
are on pocmsg6.  

Is it best to view the situation as 2 partitions, each a leader, with a
replica follower for each?
which partitions are leaders and which are replicas?
What happened with auto-creation and production and partitioning?  
Which partition(s) is the zookeeper pointing the high-level consumer to read


> -----Original Message-----
> From: Jun Rao []
> Sent: Wednesday, May 01, 2013 11:15 PM
> To:
> Subject: Re: consuming only half the messages produced
> Partition is different from replicas. A topic can have one or more
> and each partition can have one or more replicas. A consumer consumes data
> at partition level. In other words, a consumer gets the same data no
> how many replicas are there.
> When you say the consumer only gets half of the messages, do you mean that
> it gets half of the messages that are produced?
> You may want to take a look at the consumer example in
> Thanks,
> Jun
> On Wed, May 1, 2013 at 7:14 PM, Rob Withers <> wrote:
> > Running a consumer group (createStreams()), pointing to the zookeeper
> > and with the topic and 1 consumer thread, results in only half the
> > messages being consumed.  The topic was auto-created, with a
> > replication factor of 2, but the producer was configured to produce to
> > 2 brokers and so 4 partitions resulted.  Are half getting sent to one
> > leader, in one broker, and the other half getting sent to another
> > leader, in the other broker, but the consumer stream is only reading
> > from one leader from the zk?  Shouldn't there only be one leader?
> >
> >
> >
> > thanks,
> >
> > rob
> >
> >
> >
> >

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