Hey guys, 

I designed my consumer app (running on 0.7) to run with autocommit off and 
commit manually once it was done processing a record. The intent was so that if 
a consumer died while processing a message, the offset would not be committed, 
and another box would pick up the partition and reprocess the message. This 
seemed to work fine with small numbers of consumers (~10). But now that I'm 
scaling it out, I'm running into a problem where it looks like messages that 
consumers picked up and then errored on are not getting processed on another 

After investigating the logs and the partition offsets in zookeeper, I found 
that in ZookeeperConsumerConnector.scala closeFetchersForQueues, called during 
the rebalance process, will commit the offset regardless of the autocommit 
status. So it looks like even if my consumer is in the middle of processing a 
message, the offset will be committed, and even if the processing fails, it 
will never be picked up again. Now that I have a lot of consumer nodes, the 
rebalancer is going off a lot more often and I'm running into this constantly.

Were my assumptions faulty? Did I design this wrong? After reading the comment 
in the code I understand that if it didn't commit the offset there, the message 
would just get immediately consumed by whoever ended up owning the partition, 
even if we were in the middle of consuming it elsewhere, and we'd get 
unintentional duplicate delivery. How can I make it work the way I've 
described? Is there any way?

Thanks in advance,

Ian Friedman

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