Hi, While searching the user group messages I found the following thread - http://grokbase.com/t/kafka/users/138vqq1x07/getting-leadernotavailableexception-in-console-producer-after-increasing-partitions-from-4-to-16. It shows the following stack trace with 0.8.
[2013-08-27 08:29:30,372] INFO Fetching metadata from broker id:0,host:localhost,port:6667,secure:true with correlation id 8 for 1 topic(s) Set(test-41) (kafka.client.ClientUtils$) [2013-08-27 08:29:30,373] INFO begin ssl handshake for localhost/ (kafka.security.SSLSocketChannel) [2013-08-27 08:29:30,375] INFO finished ssl handshake for localhost/ (kafka.security.SSLSocketChannel) [2013-08-27 08:29:30,375] INFO Connected to localhost:6667:true for producing (kafka.producer.SyncProducer) [2013-08-27 08:29:30,380] INFO Disconnecting from localhost:6667:true (kafka.producer.SyncProducer) [2013-08-27 08:29:30,381] INFO Secure sockets for data transfer is enabled (kafka.producer.SyncProducerConfig) Is there a 'secure' boolean property on the broker that allows for SSL? I didn't see it on http://kafka.apache.org/08/configuration.html but maybe I missed it? Thanks, Jonathan