  Do you do that at loggly?

  How was your retry code structured?  Have you open sourced it?

> On Nov 28, 2013, at 16:08, Philip O'Toole <> wrote:
> By FS I guess you mean file system. 
> In that case, if one is that concerned, why not run a single Kafka broker on 
> the same machine, and connect to it over localhost? And disable ZK mode too, 
> perhaps. 
> I may be missing something, but I never fully understand why people try 
> really hard to build a stream-to-disk backup approach, when they might be 
> able to couple tightly to Kafka, which, well, just streams to disk. 
> Philip
>> On Nov 28, 2013, at 3:58 PM, Otis Gospodnetic <> 
>> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> We've done this at Sematext, where we use Kafka in all 3 products/services
>> you see in my signature.  When we fail to push a message into Kafka we
>> store it in the FS and from there we can process it later.
>> Otis
>> --
>> Performance Monitoring * Log Analytics * Search Analytics
>> Solr & Elasticsearch Support *
>> On Thu, Nov 28, 2013 at 9:37 AM, Demian Berjman <>wrote:
>>> Hi.
>>> Anyone has build a retry system (durable) for the producer in case the
>>> kakfa cluster is down? We have certain messages that must be sent because
>>> there are after a transaction that cannot be undo.
>>> We could set the property "message.send.max.retries", but if the producer
>>> goes down, we lost the messages.
>>> Thanks,

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