That's actually easier said than done. The request logs on TRACE are
flooded with log entries. I get about 65MB of file per day. That's on an
idle set of brokers. There are no produce requests and only one connected
consumer that's just sitting there. Is that normal?



These configs are reasonable and shouldn't affect consumer timeouts. Did
you get the time breakdown from the request log?



On Fri, Dec 20, 2013 at 6:14 PM, Tom Amon <> wrote:

> I figured out the cause but I'm stumped as to the reason. If the

> brokers do _not_ have the replica settings in them, everything works

> fine. Putting the replica settings into the config file causes all

> consumers to experience a socket timeout every 30 seconds.


> Specifically here are the settings I put into the file:


> num.replica.fetchers=4

> replica.fetch.max.bytes=1048576




> replica.socket.receive.buffer.bytes=65536


> replica.lag.max.messages=4000


> I copied them from the kafka docs. Have I missed something important

> in the documentation? These are the only properties that I changed to

> cause this issue to happen. Everything else is default or specified in

> the config file shipped with the kafka binaries.


> Thanks



> ----------------------------------------------------------------------

> --


> The is unchanged. The request log is empty. I'll

> turn it up to TRACE (it's currently on INFO) and see what it contains.




> Thanks

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