Hey guys,

One thing that bugs me is the lack of symmetric for the different position
calls. The way I see it there are two positions we maintain: the fetch
position and the last commit position. There are two things you can do to
these positions: get the current value or change the current value. But the
names somewhat obscure this:
  Fetch position:
    - No get
    - set by positions(TopicOffsetPosition...)
  Committed position:
    - get by List<TopicOffsetPosition> lastCommittedPosition(
    - set by commit or commitAsync

The lastCommittedPosition is particular bothersome because:
1. The name is weird and long
2. It returns a list of results. But how can you use the list? The only way
to use the list is to make a map of tp=>offset and then look up results in
this map (or do a for loop over the list for the partition you want). I
recommend that if this is an in-memory check we just do one at a time. E.g.
long committedPosition(TopicPosition).

What if we made it:
   long position(TopicPartition tp)
   void seek(TopicOffsetPosition p)
   long committed(TopicPartition tp)
   void commit(TopicOffsetPosition...);

This still isn't terribly consistent, but I think it is better.

I would also like to shorten the name TopicOffsetPosition. Offset and
Position are duplicative of each other. So perhaps we could call it a
PartitionOffset or a TopicPosition or something like that. In general class
names that are just a concatenation of the fields (e.g.
TopicAndPartitionAndOffset) seem kind of lazy to me since the name doesn't
really describe it just enumerates. But that is more of a nit pick.


On Mon, Feb 10, 2014 at 10:54 AM, Neha Narkhede <neha.narkh...@gmail.com>wrote:

> As mentioned in previous emails, we are also working on a re-implementation
> of the consumer. I would like to use this email thread to discuss the
> details of the public API. I would also like us to be picky about this
> public api now so it is as good as possible and we don't need to break it
> in the future.
> The best way to get a feel for the API is actually to take a look at the
> javadoc<
> http://people.apache.org/~nehanarkhede/kafka-0.9-consumer-javadoc/doc/kafka/clients/consumer/KafkaConsumer.html
> >,
> the hope is to get the api docs good enough so that it is self-explanatory.
> You can also take a look at the configs
> here<
> http://people.apache.org/~nehanarkhede/kafka-0.9-consumer-javadoc/doc/kafka/clients/consumer/ConsumerConfig.html
> >
> Some background info on implementation:
> At a high level the primary difference in this consumer is that it removes
> the distinction between the "high-level" and "low-level" consumer. The new
> consumer API is non blocking and instead of returning a blocking iterator,
> the consumer provides a poll() API that returns a list of records. We think
> this is better compared to the blocking iterators since it effectively
> decouples the threading strategy used for processing messages from the
> consumer. It is worth noting that the consumer is entirely single threaded
> and runs in the user thread. The advantage is that it can be easily
> rewritten in less multi-threading-friendly languages. The consumer batches
> data and multiplexes I/O over TCP connections to each of the brokers it
> communicates with, for high throughput. The consumer also allows long poll
> to reduce the end-to-end message latency for low throughput data.
> The consumer provides a group management facility that supports the concept
> of a group with multiple consumer instances (just like the current
> consumer). This is done through a custom heartbeat and group management
> protocol transparent to the user. At the same time, it allows users the
> option to subscribe to a fixed set of partitions and not use group
> management at all. The offset management strategy defaults to Kafka based
> offset management and the API provides a way for the user to use a
> customized offset store to manage the consumer's offsets.
> A key difference in this consumer also is the fact that it does not depend
> on zookeeper at all.
> More details about the new consumer design are
> here<
> https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/KAFKA/Kafka+0.9+Consumer+Rewrite+Design
> >
> Please take a look at the new
> API<
> http://people.apache.org/~nehanarkhede/kafka-0.9-consumer-javadoc/doc/kafka/clients/consumer/KafkaConsumer.html
> >and
> give us any thoughts you may have.
> Thanks,
> Neha

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