Hi everyone,

I have released a tool called Wirbelsturm
(https://github.com/miguno/wirbelsturm) that allows you to perform local
and remote deployments of Kafka.  It's also a small way of saying a big
"thank you" to the Kafka community.

Wirbelsturm uses Vagrant for creating and managing machines, and Puppet
for provisioning the machines once they're up and running.  You can also
use Ansible to interact with deployed machines.  Deploying Kafka is but
one example, of course -- you can deploy other software with Wirbelsturm
as well (e.g. Graphite, Redis, Storm, ZooKeeper).

I also wrote a quick intro and behind-the-scenes blog post at [1], which
covers, for instance, the motivation behind building Wirbelsturm and
lessons learned along the way (read: mistakes made :-P).



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